Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Personal Blog

I didn't know what it would be like once I got there, it wasn't any kind of fear...Just the feeling of not knowing. Of course she is warm and has this amazing forgiving smile. A warrior woman with the beds of peace surrounding her insides and curling outward. She is the perfect picture of evolving and growth. I sat there on her couch wanting to snoop around- the paintings where of her own heart and everything means something.

I found myself lounging on couch, when usually womanly instinct would have told me to sit up straight. But, it was okay...Slouching was allowed in this place. The dish she prepared for me was delicious and the cup of tea had me dreaming about sweeter and better days. My shoes were already off, so all the more comfortable all the more...Better.

I found myself seeking advice about a certain male that I wouldn't mind making mine. She told me the secrets...It was good. A warm and cozy nook, thank you!

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