Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Scene: Bliss walks into her office at work and the white girl sitting behind the third desk has a question mark on her face. We share the usual pleasantries and I sit down and pretend that I am ready for what the day has in store for me.

Here comes the question: The white girl says, "I have a question for you, well...let me tell you the whole story."

Summary: She spoke with her ex-husband. He is white. She had a child by a black man. Ex just found out.

Ready for this: amongst calling her son a Nigger. He called her son a Porch Monkey.

Conversation: She asked me was that a negative slur used against black people. I tell her yes. She asked me why.

My Answer: Porch Monkeys were the lighter skinned black people that had the privilege of going into the "BIG HOUSE". You had House Niggers and Field Niggers. Porch Monkey was just another name for House Niggers.

Requesting Your Help: I felt that my answer may have been a little too vague. Is there anyone out there in blog land that can help me?


I believe that the time comes when everyone must learn how to ignore the BULLSHIT! I have always wanted to know how people become depressed or unhappy in their lives. The answer to most of it is that they have not learned how to ignore the BULLSHIT!

I am entering into something new. A time that is best for me and anyone that I have to carry (notice have). I have to make the best decisions for me and the children and the family that I hold in my future. FUCK what everyone else says. FUCK what everyone else thinks.

If at any time the BULLSHIT becomes too much for one to ignore, then Maya says it best:

"If you don't like the situation, change it. If you can't change it, then change your attitude"