Monday, December 18, 2006


Grace and Peace

I could possibly be losing my mind. I have been at work all the DAMN day and I have a sick friend to tend to when I get off. On top of everything that I am going through this Holiday season, I have to sit at work and listen to wanna be coaches argue over the DAMN Biddy Ball League.

If you ask me...only if you were asking me...I think that all of the DAMN coaches are trying to live through these 5,6, and 7 year olds. It is suppose to be a recreational league for the small babies to learn the game...they make it so much more than that.

Ooohhhhhhh...I was so upset this was some bullshit!

My car got broken into and they stole all my damn CDs.
I opened up for Toni, Tone, Tony. That was some Bullshit!

On the up and up...

Me and Rodzilla, finally got the chance to perform on the same platform. It was fire! Blessings to my brothers. Love to you Rod. Be @ Peace brotha!

Okay, I am through



...they call me "L" said...

Peace Bliss. Wondering why you say opening for T3 was bullshit? Several of my girlz were there and said you were off the hook. Oh well, positivity flowing from me to you...

Bliss said...

Grace and Peace

Tellyour girls I said "much love and respect". I said that it was some bullshit, because your girls may have been the only people that heard the poets that spoke that night. The promoters created a club atmosphere and then tried to stop and do poetry. It was way too loud in there and it just did not feel good as an artist. But to those who did hear, I...GIVE...THANKS!


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