Friday, December 08, 2006


I use to take pictures.
Thought that one day I would really be good at it.
Thought that somehow God had given me an eye for it.
I use to take it everywhere with me.
It was always there hanging on my shoulder.
Riding in the back seat.

Laying on the counter.
Sleeping in its nest.
I saw beauty in the Chicago Lake front.
I saw beauty in the Utah mountains that covered the football field.
There was something special about the light brown blades of grass that covered City View.
Then...of course there was us.
He was there in every instance and every moving moment.
I snapped him, just like I wanted to snap a butterfly resting its wings and catching its breath.
I loved to look at him from behind the lens.
I could put every square inch of him into a small little box and seal it and preserve it.

I don't take pictures anymore.



The Brown Blogger said...

And that's that piece...

After that, I am now a regular visitor to your spot.


The Brown Blogger said...

And that's that piece...

After that, I am now a regular visitor to your spot.


The Brown Blogger said...

And that's that piece...

Officially a regular visitor to your spot after all that jazz.

The Brown Blogger said...

And that's that piece...

Officially a regular visitor to your spot after all that jazz.