There is something to be said about Vanity. About heavy it can be and how easy it can weigh you down. Met a girl named "Vanity" once and I thought what in the world was her momma thinking, went and named that child Vanity.
Vanity is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others. Vanity is considered a form of self-idolatry, in which one rejects God for sake of one's own image, and thereby becomes divorced from the graces of God. Nietzsche wrote that "vanity is the fear of appearing original: it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality."
Don't get Vanity confused with confidence. Being confident comes by the work of God, so it can in no way be confused with Vanity. So to label someone vain means, that you have nothing else to do with your time.
I have come to realize that people will say what they please about you and about your circumstance, but when confronted with their own baggage they flee. Momma told me that people wouldn't like my walk and wouldn't be able to understand my talk. She said that they act like they get mad when you hold your head up too high. Like it is something heavy on them, like you challenge them to do and be better.
Of all the people, I thought you understood.
Now, I think I'll add a picture of me to this place. See how they like that.
"Here come Mr., always talking about Shug"
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