Before I was allowed to dismiss the "porch-monkey" racial slur; I was introduced to yet another racial comment made by a Radio Host. What is with white people referring to black people as "monkeys"? The article began like this:
I think that given its historical background that yes, the slur is racial. I do not think that it would be very appeasing for me to go around referring to white people as "crackers", even if I was only trying to make a point about their political activities.
"Is referring to a Black person as a "monkey" racist?"
I think that given its historical background that yes, the slur is racial. I do not think that it would be very appeasing for me to go around referring to white people as "crackers", even if I was only trying to make a point about their political activities.
"WELE 1380 host Big John referred to Daytona Beach Commissioner and Mayoral candidate Dwayne Taylor, who is black, as a monkey, adding that Taylor would be a bad choice for "his people".
The NAACP wants the radio station to give Big John his walking papers, but the radio station is refusing to do so. They believe that the listeners took the comment in the wrong way; saying that BJ is not racist; however, he does not like Taylor.
The FDA clearly says that they DO NOT WANT DONATED BLOOD FROM GAY MEN! The FDA are so clear on their policy, they don't even want the blood of a man that has had one sexual encounter with a man. The FDA has banned gay men for life. The FDA instituted this policy in 1983 when there was a contamination threat to the blood supply.
Other companies lifted their ban on gay men donating blood in March of 2006. The FDA is not having it, they say, "men who have had sex with men account for the largest single group of blood donors who are found HIV positive by blood donor testing."
Many people are deeming this ban on gay men discriminatory! Well I have to say that they are not the only people that are being discriminated against, the FDA has also placed a lifetime ban on anyone who has ever been paid for sex or anyone who has used intravenous drugs.
Well if that is the case just about all the women and most of the men in the world should be banned from giving blood. Cause just because they are not on the corner using what they got to get what they want, don't mean that they ain't doing it.
P.S. crackheads stay away!